Executive Opportunities

  Hint: Use " OR " as the separator (with space BEFORE & AFTER)
Lecturer or Snr Lecturer or Asst Professor or Asso Professor, Systems Engineering
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
Adjunct Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor, Speech Therapy
  S$5,500.00 - S$6,000.00
  S$5,500.00 - S$6,000.00
Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor, Speech Therapy
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
Lecturer or Snr Lecturer or Asst Professor, or Asso Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$10,000.00
Lecturer to Full Professor, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Info Security
  West (eg: Queenstown, Jurong, Clementi, Tuas)
  S$10,000.00 - S$12,000.00
  S$10,000.00 - S$12,000.00
Lecturer to Full Professor, Speech Therapy
  West (eg: Queenstown, Jurong, Clementi, Tuas)
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
Lecturer to Full Professor, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology
  West (eg: Queenstown, Jurong, Clementi, Tuas)
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
Lecturer to Associate Professor, Centre for Communication Skills
  West (eg: Queenstown, Jurong, Clementi, Tuas)
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
  S$8,000.00 - S$12,000.00
Senior Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist